Remixing Knowledge in Dialogue: Navigating Interdisciplinarity Panel
For “Navigating Interdisciplinarity Research-Creation Practices” panel, a round table discussion between Sofian Audry, Mélanie Binette, Joanna Donehower, Taien Ng-Chan, Annie Katsura Rollins, and Margaret Jean Westby (research-creation scholars) that will address performative methodologies outside the boundaries of disciplinary and academic frameworks. The discussion will focus on research-creation works, looking at examples of specific performances and art practices, writings (scripts, dissertation chapters, poetry, scores, and more), and methodologies through the process of creation to the outcome of a dissertation. We will discuss the challenges and opportunities opened up by interdisciplinary study including: negotiating an interdisciplinary advisory committee; integrative models for comprehensive exams; and emergent modes of research-creation.
For more information or to register please consult the DIRTY DISCIPLINES, WILD KNOWLEDGES: How is our work given vital form in a time of a-disciplinarity? website.