Call for Exhibition Proposals
Concordia-based research team seeks two Fellows-in-Residence to develop public exhibitions on contemporary social and political issues. (Version Français)
Submission Deadline: September 21, 2018
Interviews: October 1 – 5. 2018
Applicants chosen for interviews may be asked to provide more detailed project descriptions.
Resident selection: October 12, 2018
The Concordia-based research team Beyond Museum Walls is offering two curatorial residencies (February – April 2019, August – October 2019) to researchers, artists, curators and students interested in developing research topics, media, and artworks into full exhibitions that attempt to establish critical dialogues around pressing social and political issues. The Beyond Museum Walls research team has extensive experience consulting on exhibition strategies related to “difficult knowledge” — or meaningful encounters with histories of injustice, such as colonization, genocide, discrimination, violence, conflict, as well as under-representation and contestation relating to these in public discourse, particularly in the Canadian context.
Curatorial Fellows-in-Residence will engage in a series of meetings and workshops alongside Beyond Museum Walls researchers and research assistants to develop and produce (1) an exhibition experiment guided by our “curatorial dreaming” methodology that would lead into (2) a public exhibition and series of outreach events (discussions/performances/workshops) at the Curating and Public Scholarship Lab at Concordia University.
As a research team dedicated to broadening the discourse around histories of injustice in museums, we encourage Indigenous, racialized, disabled, LGBTQ+, gender non-binary, formerly incarcerated people, and people from working class or immigrant backgrounds, among others, to submit proposals. Emerging as well as established artists/curators/researchers are encouraged to apply.
**PLEASE NOTE The availability of these residencies is dependant on a positive outcome for our SSHRC grant funding application. Acceptance to the residency program will be conditional until the SSHRC results are released in January 2019.
Residency 1: February – April, 2019
Residency 2: August – October, 2019
- Residency honorarium + 2 week exhibition artist fee (CARFAC 2018) = $3,022
- 3 consultation meetings with Beyond Museum Walls research team to develop exhibition strategies
- Ongoing support from the Residency Coordinator and CaPSL Technology Director in exhibition design
- 4 weeks of access to CaPSL facilities and technology for exhibition development
- 2-week exhibition at CaPSL
- Exhibition materials, supplies, and installation assistance
- Exhibition promotion through CaPSL social media and mailing list
Before submitting a project proposal, applicants are strongly encouraged to consult The Curating and Public Scholarship Lab’s mission and objectives and facilities and equipment.
Please submit the following to with the subject line “2019 Residency Application”:
- Curriculum vitae (max. 2 pages single spaced)
- A clear description of the proposed exhibition project (1 – 2 pages, single spaced)
- Supporting material, including audio/video/images + list describing your supporting material (title, date, medium + brief description)
Important: If you submit digital audio/video/images, please comply with the following guidelines:
- Please send all files via online links, or by WeTransfer.
- Label files as: “LastNameFirstName_Title”
- See here for more information on how to use WeTransfer.